Monday, July 23, 2012

Déjà vu.

Déjà vu...not really ?!?

Déjà vu is a french word for "already seen"..most of us have experienced a situation which we feel has already occurred... weird feeling right ?

A few days ago I come across a very interesting fact about Déjà vu....its seems experiencing Déjà vu implies that you are exactly when you're supposed to be at the very moment. We often come across dead ends in our life; Life seems hopeless then, the wrong and the right both seem to be the such situations I wish we had the Déjà vu feeling so we would know this where we are suppose to be at the very moment, then life would be so much simpler...less complications and confusions..having to know you are going where is suppose to is the best boon in such situations...however some things are not in our control...may be thats how its meant to the end what matters is the choices you make..its doesnt matter whether is right or wrong sometimes...because your choices shape your destiny..what is meant to be will happen..for me right now is one of those situations..I have made my choice, now all I can do is wait to see where my destiny leads me...
As Mark Twain said..."All good things arrive unto them that wait - and don't die in the meantime"


  1. Very well written Naitry, I dont agree with your line "I wish we had the Déjà vu feeling" because if it happened then our life will be predictable and all fun which is hidden in future will be lost because we have enjoyed it earlier only... But still this must happen with us to improve our brain power. For me Déjà vu is just a power of our mind which gives us the hint that this will happen to the next moment.

  2. I think you misunderstood the meaning of Déjà vu..its not feeling about future..its a feeling about the present..feeling what direction you are going is right...I dont want to see the future instead I want to know the present better...that what Déjà vu is for me
